Shakuhachi buying guide – how to buy shakuhachi

(Of course, because I’m a craftsperson selling shakuhachi I won’t be recommending any of my own works here in my shakuhachi buying guide, or those of anyone else.)
TLDR: 1.8 D is the best to start with alongside any other shakuhachi lengths/keys you’re drawn to and can afford. There are affordable, professionally approved and professional level wooden and resin shakuhachi, as well as entry level bamboo shakuhachi, all from around 200 to 500 dollars. You can ask around public shakuhachi groups to learn about your options for these. It’s of course possible to spend thousands of dollars on a shakuhachi which actually turns out to not be suited to you, your skill level, ambitions or intentions, and so on. Even if you have thousands of dollars to spend it’s still best to begin on something at a more humble price.
Introduction to my shakuhachi buying guide
Purchasing your first shakuhachi can be a daunting task. In my shakuhachi buyers guide, I hope to help you learn how to buy shakuhachi and avoid disappointment. For example, you don’t want to over-buy and purchase a shakuhachi way above your requirements. Similarly, you don’t want to buy a pseudo-shakuhachi which can’t function properly. My goal here is to get you off to a good start with shakuhachi because I don’t want you to give up out of frustration or disappointment.
To 1.8 or not, that is the question
As you probably know, 1.8 key of D is the standard shakuhachi length or key. This means that most instructional materials will be aimed at 1.8 and most teachers instruct on 1.8. If you have small hands or physical limitations, 1.8 might also be the largest shakuhachi you can hope to play. For these reasons, 1.8 D is the best choice for most people’s first shakuhachi purchase.
If you possess small hands you might assume that it’s better for you to opt for something shorter than 1.8. However, smaller shakuhachi are harder to play as they take more focus from the embouchure to hit the higher notes of Kan, the 2nd register. The fact is, there are very few adults who can’t manage to play a standard 1.8 when using proper form and with a bit of practice.
PVC and other cylindrical bore flutes vs. traditional tapered bore shakuhachi
I’ve written at length on this topic in my guide here. To summarize or give a TLDR; traditional shakuhachi have tapering bores, i.e., not cylindrical like PVC. These tapered bores are essential. This is not snobbery, marketing, or archaic stuffy traditionalism. Rather, it’s a scientific fact of acoustics. All that being said, if you have to get your start on PVC or other cylindrical bore shakuhachi it’s far, far better than nothing. I would not begrudge it.
Are shakuhachi overpriced?
Everything is of course relative. Let’s make some comparisons between shakuhachi and concert silver flutes. You can acquire beginner level concert flutes for around 500 dollars, however, you can get professional level resin or wooden shakuhachi around the same price. When it comes to professional level bamboo shakuhachi the prices rarely exceed 3000 to 5000 dollars. By contrast, high end headjoints alone for silver flutes can regularly exceed 5000 dollars (search for Miyazawa, Rodger Young, or Mancke headjoints).
While these headjoints are crafted from precious metals, consider the sheer amount of effort that goes into acquiring and drying quality Madaké bamboo for shakuhachi. Of course, headjoints can require a great amount of effort and precision to craft. That being said, I think it’s safe to say that crafting an entire quality shakuhachi from bamboo is more difficult.
In this light, quality bamboo shakuhachi are clearly undervalued. Why is that? Unlike concert flutes, very few people make any sort of income playing shakuhachi. This means that few people can justify their purchase of shakuhachi as a business expense with the hopes of earning returns via performances. Combine this with the far fewer players of shakuhachi (lower demand) and the prices for quality shakuhachi will always be lower than their true worth.
All that glitters is not bamboo
Some musicians and makers of instruments love opulence. In fact, the shakuhachi world has its fair share of the bourgeoisie. With 50k antiques, ivory blowing edge inlays lined with gold, and so on, there’s no doubt about it. However, do these things affect the sound? No. With that said, either the sound of the shakuhachi is worthy of these additions, or not. Either way, you’ll be paying a premium for them.
Check that return policy
It’s always a good idea to check and see if there’s a return policy or auditioning period before buying a shakuhachi. However, when it comes to shakuhachi auctions you’ll hardly ever get any sort of option for returns. Sellers should also accept returns without hassling you over it. If a seller gives you a possible solution to a problem you’re having with a shakuhachi you purchased from them, such as “getting used to” X, Y or Z issues, make sure they tell you in writing that they’ll extend your auditioning period while you try their advice, or seek out a teacher to help you.
Lastly, just because one, or even many people love a certain shakuhachi or a particular maker, it’s no guarantee that you will as well. Furthermore, it’ll take time for you to judge shakuhachi for yourself and develop tastes and needs. This underscores my advice to start with more humbly priced shakuhachi.
Keep cracks in mind, and then accept them
Bamboo shakuhachi can and often do crack. This is especially true when they’re shipped by inexperienced people who don’t know that they should be packaged in an air-tight bag. When they’re not packaged properly, the harsh conditions encountered during shipping put the bamboo or wood through a lot of stress.
Cracks can be especially devastating and difficult to repair with Jiari or Jinuri shakuhachi with their plastered bores and center joints. For example, let’s say you acquire a cracked Jiari for 500 dollars on auction or it cracks in shipment. In fact, the repairs alone could cost you more than the instrument, doubling your costs. Furthermore, cracked and repaired shakuhachi are much harder to resell, should you need to do so.
Lastly, all bamboo can crack no matter how thick, thin, old, pretty, or expensive (bindings are the only way to truly prevent cracks which is why I offer them for free on all my root ends). Accept that bamboo shakuhachi will crack, should crack, are naturally meant to crack. They may not crack within our lifetime, or for many lifetimes, but they will split eventually…
Antiques are usually a bad idea for one’s first shakuhachi
Antiques are usually bad, period. Good or great antiques curated by the experienced will usually still posses quirks which make them unideal for beginners. They’ll also have high prices.
Caveat emptor: that’s not an antique “Komuso monk” shakuhachi
Unfortunately, some people market or erroneously think that some antiques are rustic, wabi sabi shakuhachi crafted by humble Komuso. In truth, most of these that I’ve seen are actually throw-away apprentice works. Essentially, in Japan shakuhachi crafting apprentices are given throw-away pieces of unsuitable bamboo to practice their skills upon. After the apprentice is done these are then donated to local Japanese pawn shops which no serious shakuhachi player in their right mind would purchase from.
Instead, these are intended to be bought as Ikebana flower vases and the like, i.e., as decorations. However, they have been known to come into the hands of probably well-meaning non-Japanese people and are then sold as rustic “Komuso” shakuhachi. It takes a moderately skilled eye to spot these, however, take my advice and avoid antiques altogether, at least at first. If a shakuhachi looks roughly or crudely crafted then chances are the sound is rough too. These are best left to the intrepid and experienced collector.
In summation
Acquire one of the aforementioned humbly priced professional level resin or wood 1.8 D’s. You can also try to find entry level bamboo vetted by experienced players and/or professionals. Again, you can inquire on social media for your options. Next, acquire any additional shakuhachi lengths you may desire, ideally opting for relatively inexpensive options. Over time, the path through the bamboo grove to the shakuhachi of your dreams will become clear. In the end, you’ll have earned them more so with your dedication than with your bank account. Ganbatte kudasai or ‘please do you best’. I hope my shakuhachi buying guide empowers you on your path, Josen