Unboxing 240+ pieces of old Madaké bamboo from Japan


I was very fortunate to be able to acquire 30+ year old Madaké bamboo from Japan for the crafting of my shakuhachi. After twenty-three years of crafting shakuhachi, I feel that this bamboo came at just the right time. This was a one-time opportunity, so not a steady source for me. Really, there is no such thing as a steady source for such old, precious pieces of Madaké bamboo for shakuhachi.

In part four, at the end, I show the inherent rarity of pieces of bamboo that are just the right length for key of A. There were even fewer pieces for 1.8 key of D. I explain why this is the case in my entry titled, Jinashi and Jimori vs. Jiari. Enjoy seeing these beautiful treasures and look forward to hearing more about each one as I craft them into shakuhachi.


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