I authored a book: Your Shakuhachi Journey



Out of print [I’m currently planning a new expanded edition as of 2024]


Some months ago, shakuhachi craftsman and my friend Jem Klein asked me to write a book on how to play the shakuhachi. Reason being that he wanted to offer my book along with the sale of his shakuhachi. However, I really didn’t want to because I felt that live lessons or videos were much more effective mediums, for everyone.

When I expressed this to Jem and others they reminded me that some people are ‘text learners’ (when learning we tend to favor one of the following: visuals, auditory, reading and writing, or kinesthetic). Thus, we shouldn’t neglect written instruction, forgetting about those of us who have an affinity for it. Additionally, it was pointed out to me that a book can act as a supplement to live lessons and videos. Advised and encouraged, I set out on the admittedly daunting task of cobbling my first book.

In it, I largely stayed focused on how to play the shakuhachi. I also answered some of the most common questions people ask in lessons, such as; how to acquire a shakuhachi, how to care for them, and so on. Sticking with tradition, all of the notation is in Japanese Katakana and I explain how to read it. I provided high resolution photographs of my lips for the embouchure and of me demonstrating how to hold the shakuhachi. Lastly, I included simple exercises and 28 folk songs.

It was quite a learning experience authoring my first book, to say the least (formatting issues anyone?). I hope some of you find it to be a useful and a welcome addition. Thank you to my friends for encouraging me to do this.

[UPDATE 2020 – I now have a free video series demonstrating the essentials of how to play the shakuhachi which you can find here. This replaces the free live lesson offer.]


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